Tuesday 12 June 2018


The society has a reference to beauty. A reference to success. And also reference to good vs bad. Beauty means having flawless skin, fair, thin, tall and all the other cliche things that you could think of. And success means having big cars, big houses, scoring all A’s and what not. Well, we have reached a point where certain people no longer believe in these ideologies. Alhamdulillah. But, how many amongst us have fallen into this ideology? Hating our body because its not ‘perfect’, trying to be someone who we’re not because we don’t ‘get along’ with the society and going through depression, stress, anxiety and anorexia. To what point has these mentalities caused our generation? Starving themselves to be skinny. Having sleepless nights to get those A’s and potentially suicidal because we don’t achieve those ‘success’. It’s about time all those negativity leave the society.

What we first and foremost need to understand is that beauty is what lies in the eyes of the beholder. We don’t have to fulfill the society’s standard of beauty, how we are is how beautiful we’re meant to be. Stop degrading yourself please. Have some love for you. Secondly, it doesn’t mean you have no future if you don’t do well in academics. Not everyone is created to ace in that part, so if plan A does not come out great, there’s always plan B, C, D and so on. DO NOT GIVE UP! Thirdly, have your own personality, STOP trying to fit in. We are meant to be different. Stop hating yourself for not being like others. You’re just special honey. Learn to accept who we are for who we want to be not how the society wants us to be. Bear in mind that you are beautiful just the way you are. Stop stressing and being depressed because of academics. Whatever it is, suicide is not the answer. Keep on trying. You’re meant to be in this world so don’t give up! Have some love for yourself then spread it. Cause we need it. ❤️