Wednesday 11 September 2019


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In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. How often in a day do we hear these two words 'syukur (grateful)' and 'ikhlas (sincere)'? We are reminded regardless of our religion, to be grateful of what we have and sincere in what we do. Today, I ask myself, how grateful and sincere have I been throughout my 6523 days on Earth?  How about you?

Abu Huraira reported : I said "O Messenger of Allah, who will be the most blessed of people to receive your intercession on the Day of Resurrection?" Rasulullah s.a.w said "O Abu Huraira, I thought no one would ask me about this matter before you, as I see you are eager for the prophetic traditions. The most blessed of people to have my intercession on the Day of Resurrection are those who say there are no God but Allah, sincerely from the heart." -Sahih Bukhari

How many of us were born into Islam? How many of us reading these words are blessed with imaan from the moment we were born? I'm positive most of you reading are with me. Alhamdulillah we are blessed with these rezeki of being a Muslim. Alhamdulillah. But then again, how many of us have tried to seek our love for Allah and Rasulullah? How many of us have learned to love them sincerely? How many of us have feared only Allah and nothing else?

In a day, we say the syahadah at least 9 times. How often do we appreciate the meaning behind it? How often do we remind ourselves of the du'as we say in our prayer? How many of us know the meaning of every word we recite in our prayer? If we haven't fulfilled this, insyaAllah there is still time for us. InsyaAllah, we will be a better version of ourselves. Aamiin.

SYUKUR. A six letter word. An easy word. But so hard to execute. Let me tell you a story. Five years ago when I went to London with my family and my grandma, we were shopping at a store (I could not recall) and was basically taking every single item we could afford cause it was Boxing Day (CRAZY DISCOUNTS). My grandmother being the most independent woman, wanted to pay for her own things even though some of us were offering to buy it for her. We were queueing to pay when my grandmother realised her purse was no longer in her possession. Allahu Akbar. My grandmother was silent and instead of flipping out and worrying about where her purse went, the first thing she said was "Nasib baik passport dekat kau Ril, alhamdulillah" loosely translated to "Thank God my passport is with you Ril". You see, in this moment, my grandmother had every right to start spiralling out and worrying and probably blame the universe for the lost of her purse but instead she chose to be grateful of her passport which she still had. "Count your blessings, they say". When we went back to the hotel, I asked her "Mak macam tak sedih pun purse mak hilang, kenapa?" translated to "You don't even seem sad your purse is gone, why?" That's when I had my lesson to heart about syukur. My grandmother told me that "Yes, I am sad. But things had happened and it happened for a reason. Anyways, there are still so many good things that I won't let this one thing ruin my trip. Alhamdulillah, it was my purse that was gone and not one of you (her grandchildren).

You see, syukur is not about being happy all the time. It's about realising the things you have instead of crying over things you don't have. Mak (grandma) chose to realise that her passport was safe and so were her family instead of stressing over her lost purse. It is not something easy to execute. I struggle with it everyday, to count my blessings instead of counting the things I'm missing in life. Every day, I try to write a list of things I'm grateful for and you should to, just to remind yourself that things are not as bad as you think it is and for you to start practising the concept of "SYUKUR".

Make a list. Count your blessings.

Make it a point of acknowledging the blessings in life. Make it a MUST. We all know it's hard to be hopeful of life when hope had given us the worst disappointments. But maybe it was because we weren't actually hoping, we were expecting instead. Ponder on the differences and maybe it'll make a difference.

Until next time, take care and assalamualaikum.

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